System services during operation
Logistical partial or full service
With Keller & Kalmbach you have a service provider at your side who can tailor the level of service to your company. The all-round carefree package is offered by the full service provider, who takes care of everything that has to do with selection, procurement, disposition, warehousing and provision of the articles as well as the operation of the systems themselves, from the procurement of the articles to the transport of the articles to the place of consumption - including quality assurance. C-parts management in full service. This includes:
Basic information
Permanent service personnel, active reporting on the deployment on site on the service day (documentation in case of complaints), ensuring availability of service personnel, registration and deregistration at the customer's premises (note customer-specific features) and compliance with safety regulations.
Primary shelf service
Secondary service activities
System revision on demand
Basic information
Permanent service personnel, active reporting on the deployment on site on the service day (documentation in case of complaints), ensuring availability of service personnel, registration and deregistration at the customer's premises (note customer-specific features) and compliance with safety regulations.
Primary shelf service
- Clearance of the delivered, filled containers or the delivered packaging units (PU) into containers, shelves or takeLOG dispensing systems
- Implementation of hardware control and communication in the event of incidents (checking the technical function of the logistics hardware)
- Shelf and system maintenance (ensuring order and cleanliness in terms of a tidy overall appearance)
Secondary service activities
- Disposal of the cardboard boxes and outer packaging
- Pallet handling (transfer of empty pallets to a predefined collection point)
- Empties handling (collecting empty containers, packing them for transport and making them available for collection)
- In VPE Kanban: Triggering of the reorder (scanning of the empty containers and transfer to K&K)
- Creation of article kits (sorting and compilation of article packages)
System revision on demand
- Special services are agreed separately
- Re-labelling (replacement of labels supplied by K&K due to changes in container / label content or additional containers on the shelf)
- Shelf / container cleaning (cleaning of the containers and/or shelves remaining at the customer)
- Shelf conversions (moving shelves or system hardware)